Admissions Open for the Academic Session 2025-26, Call Now 9897592353   |9760566307 | 9897402615 | 8077205943  

Steps for Registration

  1. Kindly scan the QR Code & pay Registration Fee of Rs. 5,000/- to register your child with us.
  2. Now, fill the below Online Registration Form and attached these documents – “Payment Receipt and Student Passport Size Photograph”.
  3. Submit Application.

Registration Form

You are one step away to experience the Best & Top 5 Boarding Schools in Dehradun!

A child can be registered at any point of time after his / her birth. Registered candidates, fulfilling the age and other admission criteria, are eligible to appear in the written entrance cum assessment test. Registration does not guarantee admission; it is subjected to the written test conducted by the school. If a candidate fails in the written test or fails to appear in the test on the given date, his / her registration will lapse and the registration fee will be forfeited.
*All the field are mandatory to be filled, start by registering here and attaching your latest marksheet.

Registration Form


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